Thursday, December 9, 2010

Herbal Journal

For many years now I have been studying herbs and their many wonderful uses.  They’re not just for cooking!! It is sad that in our day and age of technology we have lost sight of the healing benefits of herbal and herbal remedies.  In the past, people who needed healing would go to their local cunning woman, wise woman, medicine man; they were known by many names. They would seek the guidance of these people for many things such as healing, dentistry, midwifery, and personal guidance.  They were revered and respected by their community.  Now we have doctors and not to put down or minimize the use of doctors, but in the experiences I have had over the last 10 years our medical field is driven by the pharmaceutical companies and they look at illness from a pathology standpoint and not a healing standpoint.  Now this is just my personal opinion based on my experiences.  You see, in the last 10 years I have faced many serious, life threatening medical issues and have sought the help of many doctors and specialists.  I’ve done everything they have asked of me, including going through chemo therapy.  All of these things I have put my poor body through and I still am not in remission so to speak.  I went from a fairly healthy person to an extremely unhealthy person due to all the toxins I put into my body trying to “cure” the disease.  You see I found out right after 9/11 that I have Hepatitis C which I contracted from bad blood that I received for a blood transfusion when I was all of 12 years old.  This was prior to the medical industry testing blood.  I am lucky though, as I do not have cirrhosis of the liver yet.  All of this has led me back to the time of old of herbal medicine.  I am currently taking an herbal course through Sacred Mists (check them out, the class is currently 50% off), which I am enjoying and I now see a doctor that practices acupuncture and natural/holistic remedies.  In the short time I have seen him, I feel 75% better.  He focuses on healing and nutrition.

One of the items I use all the time is the Herbal Journal I have been making for several years.  It is a great resource to me and I would be lost without it.  Another wonderful resource I use is the Herbal Almanac that  Llewellyn publishes every year.  It is an awesome resource!!  I am planning on sharing the design of my Herbal Journal with you. I am having so much fun putting the information in and making it a wonderful reference for me.  I plan to do a little class here so you can learn how to make one for yourself.  This will be coming after the holidays.  This will be a free little course for you and I hope you will enjoy it.  In my journal I sometimes dry the leaves and attach them to the page for a reference or I will draw it.  There are just so many fun things you can do to make it special for you.  I hope you will enjoy this journey with me on the road of natural healing through herbs and magick!


Plumrose Lane said...

It really is tragic how we've lost so much of the knowledge we once had with natural medicines and I'm thankful we're trying to recapture some of that knowledge.

I'm so sorry to hear about what you've had to deal with in your life. I'm sure it's helped make you stronger as many might point out but I've no doubt it hurts deeply and can't help but produce a weary heart at times.

Faerie Sage said...

I admit I feel the same, while our medical professionals are great in dealing with trauma they are not so proficient at dealing with something they dont understand. I have been interested and dabbling in herbs for years, I am always up for more info!
Blessings and good health to you

Joane said...

I would love to learn about creating an herbal journal. I look forward to learning from you. I've been through accupuncture and herbal treatments before and they have totally worked for me.

Ponderosa Pagan said...

I am asking for a new journal for christmas and I want to use it for this exact same thing.

Mother Moon said...

a beautiful blog.. thanks to Ponderosa Pagan for leading me here...